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Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see your questions? Contact us at info@uprighted.com

I don't have any coding experience, can I still enroll in these programs?

Of course! Our pre-course materials start from scratch, and equip you with the framework, context and new vocabulary to allow you to excel in the course.

What kind of certification is available?

This is a non-credit bearing course but upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion 

What is the application process and when will I know if I’m accepted?

We have an admission questionnaire to evaluate your logic and problem solving skills, as well as your interpersonal and communication skills. We also interview you to understand who you are as a whole person to ensure that employers want to work with you!

Is it possible to work full-time and take on of the courses?

If you are taking the full-time course which is Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00pm, for 12 weeks, it will be too challenging for you to work and take this demanding Bootcamp. In addition to the 40 hours of class time, you will be required to do work outside of class as well. If you take the part-time course, which is evening and weekend over 24 weeks, you will have the capacity to work.

What hardware and software are required?

Students are required to have access to a modern laptop to bring to each class session. All laptops must be able to run the following software:

What if I am sick or have to miss class?

If you need to miss a class for any reason, don't worry! Life happens. You'll be responsible for reviewing the lecture(s), material(s) that you missed and for submitting any project work related to the classes you missed. Let your course instructor know if you need anything.

Who helps me launch my new career and find a new job with my new tech skills?

All of our course programs are communities. Alongside technical skills, the coursework also provides professional development, presentation of yourself to future employers, and networking opportunities. We have an extensive network to help connect you to hiring partners.